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Photo by Nararat Disayabut

Project name

Quizrr user pilot report

Project funding by

Partnership of 9 major Nordic food companies and funding by Vinnova


Project focus

User research & survey

Pilot analysis and evaluation

4 month assignment of a pilot report on ethical recruitment e-learning solution for Thai and migrant workers in supply chain in Thailand. The pilot project was an initiative of 9 major Nordic food companies, Quizrr and funding by Vinnova. The goal was to ensure the recruitment process for hiring migrant workers and workplace conditions are up to the global standards.

My background in this project

I was involved with The Nordic Initiative project since September 2018 in Quizrr operation team to prepare and implement the e-learning pilot kick-off. The user testing pilot period was 1 year. This project is one of the most complex e-learning application which Quizrr has ever built.

Pilot scope

The ethical recruitment e-learning was originally designed in 3 local languages, Thai, Burmese and Khmer with 5 sections of social compliance content in basic level. All learning results are saved, aggregated and displayed in the Quizrr dashboard. The scope of pilot covers 10 factories across Thailand which are the suppliers of 9 buyers in the Nordic countries.


Factory workforce; 

Managers | Supervisors | Thai, Myanmar, Cambodian workers 


  • Survey timing during the peak production period of pilot factories

  • Online survey and workers accessibility

Photos by Nararat & Tanida Disayabut

Pilot evaluation process

1. Learning data analysis from Quizrr dashboard

I calculated the average learning score of 10 factories according to user demographic from the learning database on Quizrr dashboard to understand the achievement of users during pilot.

2. Quantitative and qualitative user surveys

I conducted a quantitative survey via Survey Monkey and collaborated with all factory implementation teams to perform the online user survey in all pilot factories.


The quantitative survey has the  Likert scale and also include the open response questions. 


The qualitative survey was conducted  in the form of interview by Quizrr local team to collect information about users’ perceptions, experiences, and attitudes towards the application. 

3. User survey analysis

I analysed the Likert data by using the method of cross-tabulation analysis and Affinity Diagrams to analyse the open response surveys and interviews.

4. Report presentation & seminar

I arranged the pilot report seminar in Bangkok for all the stakeholders on 17th September 2019, and again presented to the Nordic buyers on 24th October 2019 in Stockholm. The majority of pilot participants were satisfied with their learning result from Quizrr e-learning and witnessed the increasing of worker engagement in their factories. From the buyers' perspective, the Nordic Initiative group would like to expand and deepen the ethical recruitment project further to their other suppliers and second tier suppliers in Thailand as well.

It was a fruitful seminar with a motivating workshop to  share the ideas on how to increase the operation and make a further impact on ethical recruitment in Thailand.

Photos by Bhichai Seehapoompijit

My learning

I learnt how to operate the user survey in the global scale and remotely. The key in this operation is a good collaboration with the local staff and the customers.


The quantitative online user survey was planned for all 10 factories across Thailand. The idea of online survey was rather challenging at that time as most of workers were not familiar with neither survey nor internet. The survey would never succeed without the support from each factory implementation team.


Quizrr Stockholm & local team  |  All pilot factory implementation teams  |  Supawan Morris led the project

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