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Photo by Nararat Disayabut

Project name

Quizrr ethical recruitment e-learning 

Project funding by

Partnership of 9 major Nordic food companies and originally funding by Vinnova


Project focus

UX/UI research

Content development

Localisation for app & dashboard

A project to update the application on the content of migrant labour law, language, and user interface adjustment for Thai market responding the user feedback and report from 1-year user pilot testing.


In October 2019, Quizrr assigned me an e-learning application update project. The update was planned to improve user experience in Quizrr application in collaboration with a humanitarian UN organisation which works with migration.

My role was to project management  various consultants in different countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia.​ I was responsible for the user experience design process in order to confirm the user-centered approach and that the application is suitable for all learners.


The overall content is based on the research and case studies and practices from standards including ILO GLP, TLS 8001, IHRB Dhaka Principle, corporate code of conducts such as BSCI, ETI, IHRB Dhaka Principles and Thai law.


Supply chain buyers & Factory workforce; 

I Managers | Supervisors | Thai, Myanmar, Cambodian workers | Newly arrived migrant workers at Thailand border


A humanitarian UN organisation


How might we design an e-learning application that can cover a wide range of workers learning abilities?

Examples of key consideration

We(-Quirr team) should always keep in mind that the majority of users;

  • are the low literacy users, such as workers from Myanmar and Cambodia

  • might not be familiar with touch screen technology

  • might have the difficulty in reading because of the level of education (Solution is voice over function)

  • might have the difficulty in focusing on the lessons because of the learning ability

  • the location where the application will be used are likely in the remote area without internet access

  • some workers have bad eye sight​​​​​​

Photos by Tanida Disayabut

Application updating process

1. User feedback and pilot evaluation

If you wish to read more about the pilot evaluation and report, please click here >

2. Identify application improvement areas

I collected, categorised, and mapped all the user feedback, pain-points, to analyse and make suggestions and planning the update to the Quizrr development team.

3. Feed application update plan into product roadmap and process the update

After the application update plan was in the product road map;

  • I conducted the content update with the experts from a UN organisation and Quizrr content team.

  • We chose to work with the local language consultants and production companies in order to improve the localisation. This ensures that all learners can understand their lessons easily.​​

My learning

I learnt to develop awareness of inclusive design and accessibility from this project. The main learning is how important it is to truly understand the user group via user research and feedback. 


In Quizrr ethical recruitment e-learning, we have an ambition to make an impact in the supply chain for workers in Thailand by giving education on their rights and responsibilities. It is an important mission to improve people's lives.


The content of workers legal rights is a very difficult subject  which needs to be simplified enough so that workers can understand the content. The technique of this e-learning also needs to be engaging enough for the factory workforce to pay attention without losing their focus. 

Furthermore, I learnt that the lesson should be taught in workers native languages as close as possible to how they speak in their daily lives. Besides there is a fine balance between what workers should learn, how they can learn, when is the best time to learn and many other touch points that would help the workers to learn better. 


The humanitarian UN organisation  |  Production companies  |  Local consultants  |  Quizrr Stockholm & local team  |  Supawan Morris led the project

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